Thứ 4, Ngày 04/08/2010, 03:43
The project of three main roads in Tan Uyen district is launched
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BEGIC – August 4, The Investment and Industrial Development Corporation (Becamex IDC) held the groundbreaking ceremony of three main roads in Tan Uyen district, with the participation of Mr. Mai The Trung – Provincial Party Committee Secretary, Mr. Le Thanh Cung – Permanent Vice Chairman of Binh Duong People’s Committee, Mr. Tran Van Nam – Vice Chairman of Binh Duong ...
The three main roads in Tan Uyen district are developed in separate projects as the priority order below: Provincial Road DT 746, from Tan Khanh to Uyen Hung, 18.128km in length, Provincial Road DT 747B, from Binh Chuan to Hoi Nghia, 19.002km in length, Provincial Road DT 742, from Phu My to Cong Xanh, 20km in length. Roads are tarred with six lanes in width.
The project is developed by Becamex IDC in the “Built-Operate-Transfer” (BOT) format with the total investment of more than VND1.428 billions, including construction cost and tollbooths. Government of Binh Duong Province will spend cost for land clearance to make room for construction of the three roads.
Construction period from April 2010 to 2013 is divided into 02 phases. The first phase (2010 to 2012) will focus on Provincial Road DT 746 meanwhile Provincial Road DT 747B and DT 742 will be finished in the second phase, 2012 to 2013. Tollbooths construction is planned to begin in 2014 and last 50 years (excluding road construction period).
Once finished, the three main roads in Tan Uyen District will stimulate economy in Binh Duong province and Industrial parks in Tan Uyen by attracting more enterprises. Moreover, the project also enhance the connectivity between South of Tan Uyen and Thu Dau Mot town, East North of Tam Uyen and South of Binh Duong (Thuan An, Di An), North of Tan Uyen and Binh Duong New City.
Quynh Thanh - Photo: Hoang Pham
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