Thứ 2, Ngày 09/03/2009, 09:02
VTC and VNTT to introduced IPTV service in Binh Duong
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BEGIC - March 06, VTC Digicom and VNTT (Vietnam Technology and Telecommunication JSC) coordinated to introduce IPTV service (Internet Protocol Television).
IPTV services are offered through Internet transmission network (PON, AON, ADSL 2 + ...), the signal is sent to the decoder TV - Set Top Box (STB). IPTV has been offered in more than 33 countries with total number of subscribers reaching 19.2 millions by the end of 2008 (source: Gartner).
Contents of IPTV service are mostly taken from the Digital Television VTC, currently broadcasting on 40 channels and 12 self-produced channels. Flexible payment method: per each film, or per package of number of movies (10 movies / month) or per monthly subscription with unlimited movies.
Scopes of IPTV service and installation time depend on the local telecommunications network; STB is qualified with high security and strict management of agenda. The trial period provides customers with online searching services, and then followed by other services including direct voting, interactive advertising, etc.
Hoang Pham
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