Chủ Nhật, Ngày 27/05/2012, 03:19
Opening of Green Binh Duong day 2012
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BEGIC - May 27th, at Thanh Le Cultural Park was held “Green Binh Duong day” 2012. Binh Duong People’s Committee Vice Chairman Huynh Van Nhi attended this event.
Green Binh Duong day was co-organized by Binh Duong Department of Natural Resources and Environment and Green Network (Center of living and studying for environment and community – LiveLearn) aiming to promote, cultivate the life harmonious with environment to local people, governmental offices, enterprises, individuals and collectives and to echo the international environmental day 2012.
Activities organized are waste exchange for gift, competition of environmental painting, recycled products, stands for visitor to paint and make recycled products and environmental competition…
Waste exchange for gift
Visitor could decorate, design by themselves such items harmonious with environment, such as paper bag, toys and bring them home like gift for the participation. These were considered as the new point of this year.
Decorating paper bag
Making toy from recycled materials
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