Thứ 4, Ngày 19/09/2012, 08:36
Presenting orders of the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos for organizations and individuals of Binh Duong province
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BEGIC - Sep 18th, the Ceremony of Presenting Orders of the Government of the People’s Democratic Republic of Laosfor organizations and individuals of Binh Duong province took place at Lucky Square Convention Center (Binh Duong New City).
On the occasion of the 50th year anniversary of diplomatic relationship establishment between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos (5th Sep 1962 – 5th Sep 2012), 35th year anniversary of signing Vietnam – Laos Friendship and Cooperation Treaty (18th Jul 1977 – 18th Jul 2012) and upon the activities celebrating “Vietnam – Laos Friendship Year 2012”, the Government of the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos honoured Orders for organizations and individuals of Binh Duong province for contributing to the development of multi-faceted friendship cooperation, enhancing the friendship cooperation between Vietnam and Laos in general, and between Binh Duong province and Champasak province in particular.

Authorized by the President and Prime Minister of the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos, Mr. Son-xay Si-phan-don, Member of the Central Lao People’s Revolutionary Party, Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Champasak province, presented Itsala Order (Freedom Medal – Third Class) for Provincial People’s Council; Provincial People’s Committee; Mr. Mai The Trung – Member of Central Communist Party Committee, provincial Party’s Secretary, Head of Binh Duong National Assembly Delegation; Mr. Le Thanh Cung – Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of provincial People’s Committee and Friendship Order for Binh Duong’s Foreign Affairs Department.
Mr. Son-xay Si-phan-don presented Itsala Order for Binh Duong’s People’s Council
Mr. Son-xay Si-phan-don presented Itsala Order for Binh Duong’s People’s Committee
Mr. Son-xay Si-phan-don presented Itsala Order for Mr. Mai The Trung (rear left) and Mr. Le Thanh Cung
Mr. Son-xay Si-phan-don granted Friendship Order for Binh Duong’s Foreign Affairs Department
Mr. Son-xay Si-phan-don, Member of the Central Laos People’s Revolutionary Party, Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Champasak province
Delivering his speech at the Ceremony, Mr. Son-xay Si-phan-don, Member of the Central Lao People’s Revolutionary Party, Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, and Chairman of Champasak province highly appreciated the cooperation between Champasak and Binh Duong province from 2006 till present, and assured that the relationship on many fields has contributed to the development of Champasak province. He believed that in the time to come, the relationship between Champasak and Binh Duong province, as well as between the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos and Vietnam would be strengthened and developed as comrades and as full siblings of each other.
Mr. Mai The Trung – Member of Central Communist Party Committee, provincial Party’s Secretary, Head of Binh Duong National Assembly Delegation
On behalf of provincial leaders, Mr. Mai The Trung – Member of Central Communist Party Committee, provincial Party’s Secretary, Head of Binh Duong National Assembly Delegation expressed the joy and honors as the Government of the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos present medals for departments and individuals of Binh Duong province; the granting of precious medals is the recognition of the contribution of the Party, Government and Citizens of Binh Duong province in enhancing the relationship between Binh Duong and Champasak province particularly and between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos generally. To be up to these precious awards, the Party, Government and Citizens of Binh Duong province will continue to maintain and develop the special friendship between Binh Duong and Champasak province in particular and between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos in general to new heights.
The special friendship between Binh Duong and Champasak province in particular and between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the People’s Democratic Republic of Laos in general will be upgraded to new heights
Hoang Pham
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