Thứ 5, Ngày 14/06/2012, 05:28
Binh Duong honors voluntary blood donors
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BEGIC - June 14th, families and individuals of voluntary blood donation were honored at a meeting held at provincial Political School. Binh Duong People’s Committee Vice Chairman Huynh Van Nhi attended this meeting.
Under the guidance of National Steering Committee of Voluntary Blood Donation, Binh Duong province has formed the provincial steering committee of Voluntary Blood Donation with 19 members. In addition, 91/91 lower agencies have set up the steering committee with 4,693 members.
In the period 2010 - 2011, there were 108 voluntary blood donation teams with 3,498 donors, 108 reserve teams with 1,178 members and a club of rare blood donors with 17 members in the whole province. The total amount of blood donation through campaigns reached 17,013 cc.
The typical voluntary blood donors sh aring their stories
By this occasion, 20 families and 634 individuals were honored for having donated blood over 5 times.
Di An town and Phu Giao district rank the top with 1,099cc and 1,064cc respectively
Honoring families frequently donated their blood from 30 to 50 times
Honoring donors having 40 times of blood donated
Vice Chairman Huynh Van Nhi honors families and individuals of 20 times of blood donated.
Hoang Pham
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