Thứ 7, Ngày 05/05/2012, 01:31
Thu Dau Mot becomes the City of Binh Duong province
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BEGIC - The government promulgated the Resolution No 11/NQ-CP dated May 02nd, 2012 on establishment of Thu Dau Mot City under Binh Duong province on the base of Thu Dau Mot town’s natural area, population and administrative units.
Located on a natural area of 11,866.61 hectares, Thu Dau Mot City is the home of 244,277 residents, comprises of 14 administrative units: 11 wards and 03 communes. Administrative borders of Thu Dau Mot City: Thu Dau Mot city is situated adjacent to the East of Tan Uyen district, to the West of Cu Chi district, Ho Chi Minh City, to the South of Thuan An town and to the Nord of Ben Cat district.
This event will create the forces for the development and promote the potentialities of Thu Dau Mot urban in particular and Binh Duong province in general. Thu Dau Mot City is the heart of the politic, technique and sciences, culture, society, economy center of the province. The establishment is under the horizon to 2020 master urban plan of Vietnam, contributing considerably to the development of the southern key economic zone and Ho Chi Minh agglomeration.
Binh Duong province currently consists of 7 administrative units such as 01 city (type III), 02 towns and 04 districts.
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