Thứ 6, Ngày 23/12/2011, 02:54
Review of “Dealing urgently with hand - foot - mouth disease” project
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BEGIC - December 23, at Binh Duong Hotel, Vietnam Red Cross hold to closing ceremony of “Dealing urgently with hand - foot - mouth disease” project (Project in brief).
Vietnam Red Cross Vice - Chairwoman Duong Hong Hoa;Mr. Bhupinder Tomar - Country Representative of International Federation Red Cross and Red Crescent in Vietnam; Binh Duong People’s Committee Vice - Chairman Huynh Van Nhi and representatives of provincial and cities Red Cross under the Project attended the meeting.
Sponsored by DREF Foundation and International Federation Red Cross and Red Crescent, the project was implemented in 75 communes, wards of 5 provinces and cities including: Thanh Hoa, Quang Ngai, Ho Chi Minh City, Dong Nai and Binh Duong from August, 2011 to December, 2011.
The purpose is aimed to decrease the proportion of infection, death and transmission of the mouth – hand - foot disease in 05 provinces, cities. Besides, enhancing the awareness the  of the people by the propaganda of health education, hygiene in community and  accelerating the prevention and cure capacities in order to help Red Cross Association in all levels to deal with the training team sessions were organized for 33.066 people and 91.150 households, 16 propagandas for 5.811 people; the  supervision was deployed for 10 times at national level and 30 times at provincial level.
In Binh Duong province, 400 propaganda sessions be organized with the participation of 8.000 local people
The Project deployment also faced difficulties resulting from its specifics: urgency, short term, limited experiences of all levels in this field, unofficial documents and messages of health sector for public, disease situation complex and capable to rapidly outbreak.
 According to Binh Duong People’s Committee Vice-Chairman Huynh Van Nhi, the Project deployment contributed to enhancing awareness of local people and promptly change their behavior in preventing and curing hand - foot - mouth syndrome. Moreover, it also help to review the competence, the coordination of Red Cross Federation with heath, education and concerned sectors in implementing and encouraging local people to actively participate in activities in order to prevent mouth-hand-foot disease in the community.
In Binh Duong province, Project Excecutive Board delivered 31.000 leaflets, 250 posters, 202 flip pictures, 210 volunteer handbook and 9.600 bars of soap, 4 training courses, 4 campaigns attracting 1.520 participants, 21.000 households be propagandized at their home, 400 propaganda sessions be organized with the participation of 8.000 local people.
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