Welcoming and working with the delegation were Mr. Vo Van Minh - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (PPC); leader representatives of provincial departments, committees and branches.
As reported by Binh Duong Provincial Party Committee, after more than 3 years of implementing Directive No. 37-CT/TW and Decision No. 416/QD-TTg, the awareness of Party committees, authorities, officials, civil servants, public employees, enterprises and workers on the task of building harmonious, stable and progressive labor relations in the new situation has changed.

Overview of the meeting
Many guidelines, mechanisms, and policies of the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, and People's Committee along with a series of programs and plans of departments, committees, branches, and units have been issued, contributing to improving the harmonious, stable and progressive labor relations in the new situation. Committees, branches and localities have proactively coordinated closely in preventing and resolving strikes. From there, the situation of labor disputes occurring in the province has been reduced. The incidents that happened were also resolved quickly and did not last long to cause complications in security and order, creating a stable environment, serving the province's strategy of attracting investment.

Mr. Pham Van Tuyen - Deputy Director of the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs reports on the situation of labor relations in Binh Duong
Through the implementation of programs and plans on strengthening the dispute settlement system in Binh Duong province, the officials who work concurrently in labor relations at the provincial and district levels, the force of labor arbitrators, and labor conciliators have been disseminated and trained on the new regulations of the 2019 Labor Code as well as fostered to improve their capacity, knowledge and skills to handle and resolve situations arising in labor relations, in collective labor disputes, between the employer and the employee in the enterprise.
Awareness and actions of employers and employees in enterprises have changed positively. Most enterprises have focused on building, promulgating and well implementing collective labor agreements, labor regulations, salary scales, signing labor contracts, taking care of the material and spiritual lives of workers, etc. The grassroots trade union has done a good job of representing and protecting the legal rights of workers, contributing to helping enterprises stabilize and develop production and business. Workers in enterprises have gradually improved their industrial style, participated in learning to improve their cultural and professional qualifications, and gradually met the production and business requirements of enterprises. Especially facing difficulties in production and business activities from the end of 2022 until now, workers have shared and sympathized with the difficulties of enterprises, accompanying them.

Mr. Truong Van Phong - Deputy Head of the Provincial Industrial Zones Authority explains and clarifies the content of delegates' concerns
However, besides the achievements, the labor relations situation in Binh Duong in recent years has arisen many complicated and difficult problems in the State management of labor and employment such as: Some enterprises do not properly comply with the Labor Law, the Trade Union Law, and the Social Insurance Law, leading to the rights of workers not being guaranteed. Trade unions in enterprises have not done well in protecting their rights and obligations in representing and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of workers in labor relations.
Propaganda and advocacy work to establish grassroots trade unions and develop union members, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises, faces many difficulties. Besides, there are still some enterprises that are eligible to establish trade unions but have not yet created the conditions. Coordination in organizing worker conferences and building collective labor agreements at enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, has not received due attention. Some enterprise owners disregard the implementation of democratic regulations at the grassroots as a task of the Trade Union executive committee or do so purely as a formality, not considering it a solution to stabilize labor relations.

Member of the delegation analyze the results achieved, shortcomings and limitations in the implementation of Directive 03 in Binh Duong province
At the meeting, members of the delegation evaluated and analyzed the results achieved, shortcomings and limitations in implementing Directive No. 03 in Binh Duong province; Representatives of provincial departments, committees and branches also explained and clarified the contents at the request of the Delegation.
Speaking at the conclusion of the meeting, Mr. Do Ngoc An highly appreciated the implementation of the Secretariat's Directive No. 03 in the province during the past time, ensuring the building of a harmonious and progressive working environment, contributing to the socio-economic development of the province, maintaining political security, social order and safety, ensuring good security - national defense in the province.

Mr. Do Ngoc An - Deputy Head of the Party Central Committee's Economic Commission speaks to conclude the meeting
Through the actual survey at enterprises, he said that compared to the local average, the current income level of workers is still low, so he suggested Binh Duong pay attention to increasing the income level of workers to suit actual requirements. Paying attention to building trade union organizations on par with the task of local economic development. Focusing on developing Party organizations in enterprises, developing Party members among workers to enhance the role of Party organizations in foreign-invested enterprises.
The PPC Chairman Vo Van Minh receives the direction of the delegation
Receiving the guidance from the delegation, PPC Chairman Vo Van Minh emphasized that the province will study some outstanding points that need attention as pointed out by the delegation to have solutions to contribute to building a harmonious and progressive labor relations in the coming time. At the same time, he he proposed to the delegation to advise the Central Government on institutions for provinces and cities in the Southeast region, including Binh Duong province to contribute to promoting local sustainable development in the coming time.