Thứ 5, Ngày 23/02/2023, 18:00
Eastern International University must be the center of innovation
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​​PORTAL - That is the desire of the Binh Duong provincial leaders when visiting and working with the Eastern International University (EIU) on the morning of February 22. 

The delegation of provincial leaders include: Mr. Nguyen Van Loi - Member of the Central Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial Delegation of National Assembly Deputies; Ms. Truong Thi Bich Hanh - Member of Provincial Standing Party Committee, Head of Propaganda and Training Commission of Provincial Party Committee; Mr. Nguyen Loc Ha - Member of Provincial Standing Party Committee, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee (PPC); representatives of provincial departments, committees and branches.


Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Van Loi discusses with EIU lecturers

Receiving the delegation, there was Mr. Nguyen Van Hung - Board of Directors' Chairman of Becamex IDC Corp; members in the Board of Directors of Becamex IDC Corp; and EIU's Council and Board of Directors.


Overview of the meeting

At the work program, PhD. Ngo Minh Duc – Rector of the University presented the report on EIU's activities during the past years, especially the University's outstanding performance in providing high quality human resources meeting the needs of digital transformation and trends of the 4th industrial revolution. Accordingly, over the past time, Becamex IDC Corp in general and EIU in particular are the pioneer of building a startup ecosystem, innovation, approach to Industry 4.0 transition. EIU has had specific solutions to form secondary ecosystems right in the Univerisity including units with close correlation with each other such as Fablab, Becamex Business Incubator, Aspire company, etc. in order to contribute to promoting, attracting and supporting the startup community in Binh Duong through many specific activities. In which, the Industry 4.0 Innovation Centre can be mentioned to support the conversion of labor-intensive production models to knowledge and automation intensive production. Thereby contributing to developing and promoting added value for localities and surrounding areas. In addition, in 2022, Becamex IDC and EIU also built an Advanced Manufacturing Center - AMC, playing an important role in providing diverse processing solutions, supporting design calculations and measurement, quality assurance. These are very important steps, affirming the perfection of the creative ecosystem at EIU, thereby contributing directly to the training, providing high quality human resources to meet the development needs of enterprises; and attracting human resources with high gray matter content to the locality; promoting innovation, supporting startup; transferring knowledge and technology to create new values, contributing to the socio-economic development of the province.


PhD. Ngo Minh Duc – Rector of the University presents the report on EIU's operation results

In the future, in order to serve the development needs of the enterprise community in particular and for Binh Duong province in general, the University has developed a plan to open new training majors such as Economics, Electronics and Telecommunications, Computer Science, etc. especially developing training in Health Sciences.


Mr. Nguyen Van Hung - Board of Directors' Chairman of Becamex IDC Corp speaks at the meeting

Mr. Nguyen Van Hung - Board of Directors' Chairman of Becamex IDC Corp said: "After many years with practical experience in developing industrial parks as well as concluding from cooperation with many countries like Korea, Netherlands, etc., Becamex in general and EIU in particular realize that it is responsible for investing in developing and training high quality human resources for the province. This is also one of the main advantages, attracting foreign investment into areas of Binh Duong in the future. In the next phase, Becamex IDC will coordinate to build development ecosystems to catch up with the trend of Industrial Revolution 4.0. In particular, EIU is the focus to build many small ecosystems that blend together among universities, thereby clarifying the roles and responsibilities of each party on the basis of the Triple-Helix model: university – government - enterprise".


Provincial Party Committee Secretary Nguyen Van Loi highly appreciates EIU's training results

Speaking at the meeting, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Van Loi highly appreciated EIU's achievements and future development orientation. The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee suggested that in the coming time, EIU should promote digital transformation in training, focusing on training high-quality human resources to serve the needs of industrialization and modernization of the province. EIU must catch up with the trend of digital transformation, Industrial Revolution 4.0 to promote its role as the role as one part of the Triple-Helix model in building Binh Duong Smart city. The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee emphasized that in the near future, EIU must be the center of innovation; strengthen coordination with enterprises to train human resources to meet Industry 4.0. At the same time, cooperating with high schools in the province to train English teachers, contributing to the early implementation of bilingual teaching projects in schools in the province. The Secretary also agreed with the orientation of expanding the University's Health care major, especially the medical major to serve the needs of the province and the region. Provincial leaders will always accompany, support and create all conditions for the University to develop.


Provincial leaders present a souvenir to EIU

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