Thứ 7, Ngày 25/02/2023, 18:00
Digital transformation in enterprises: Positive signals
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​PORTAL - On the afternoon of February 16, in Hanoi, the Ministry of Planning and Investment in collaboration with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) organized a Seminar to announce the "Annual Report on Enterprise Digital Transformation 2022". The Seminar was broadcast live and online.

The report is based on survey results for 1,000 enterprises across the country from many fields such as: Processing and manufacturing industry; mining; wholesale and retail; education and training; real estate, etc. In which, most of them are enterprises with direct import and export activities and over 80% are micro, small and medium sized enterprises; only 12.6% are large enterprises.

Regarding the level of readiness for digital transformation, 48.8% of enterprises participating in the survey said that they had used a digital transformation solution but no longer use it because the solution is not suitable, or the enterprises no longer need to use it.

The reason is that Vietnamese enterprises have not identified the right digital transformation goals, as well as the lack of personnel for digital transformation in both quantity and quality.


In addition, 35.3% have digitized data and processes (mainly turning data, documents and papers from "hard copies" into "soft cop​ies" for storage on the system); only 2.2% of enterprises have mastered technology and management software to analyze data, automate to make decisions in production and business, although some still face difficulties in using technology.

Some operations that enterprises apply for digital transformation are: Vehicle management, freight; accountant; ecommerce, etc.

Regarding investment in digital transformation, the report said that less than 40% of enterprises have the budget to meet the needs of digital transformation from medium to full; 43.3% of enterprises have investment budget estimates for digital transformation but do not meet the actual demand. More worryingly, more than 20% of enterprises have absolutely no investment budget estimates for digital transformation.

However, the survey results in 2022 show significant steps of enterprise maturity compared to 2021, reflected in the increasing number of surveyed enterprise undergoing digital transformation, and many enterprises have also spent specific budgets for this activity.

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