Thứ 5, Ngày 22/06/2023, 18:00
Action plan to implement Binh Duong Smart City Project (2022-2026)
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​PORTAL - The Executive Board of Binh Duong Smart City issued the Action Plan to implement the Binh Duong Smart City Project (2022-2026).

​Accordingly, the plan focuses on extensive propaganda and training in basic digital skills for people and enterprises in Binh Duong; focuses on training and supporting digitization for home enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), providing them with basic skills to participate in the digital economy. Starting with implementing a digital platform, which can be used to deliver a series of visual lessons; organizing training courses both online and in person for special groups in the community such as those with low incomes, low levels of education, the elderly, farmers and people in rural and remote areas.

To work towards higher value and higher productivity activities, all enterprises in Binh Duong, both larger industries and their suppliers (SMEs and local small enterprises), need support to gain knowledge of applying Industry 4.0, advanced production technologies and methods. Existing projects and initiatives must be connected to act as a support network for knowledge, development, and practice.

There are already many initiatives related to advanced manufacturing/smart industry/industry 4.0 such as the newly established Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Entrepreneurship at EIU, initiatives of the Becamex Smart Manufacturing Center, various fields at EIU, VGU and some vocational colleges, as well as a wide range of research projects at VGU and EIU related to this topic. Many international partners have specific expertise in this field, already operating or connecting with partners in Binh Duong.

In addition, sustainability and "green growth" will increasingly become the key to future economic development. Initiating and implementing projects related to sustainability and green growth, which can be introduced to the public as well as to the enterprise community such as: use of renewable energy, zero-emission vehicles, projects that people and enterprises participate in.

In addition, entrepreneurship promotes the innovation ecosystem by promoting the role of existing start-ups such as BBI, Block71, Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Entrepreneurship. Building a clear vision of the most suitable type of startup, attracting startup students and startup enterprises to Binh Duong.

At the same time, in the globally connected economy, Binh Duong continues to attract investors, talents and international partners to invest, learn and cooperate through bilateral relationships such as Eindhoven and Daejeon, organize international events and conferences in Binh Duong, participate in related international events, conferences and trade shows around the world to tell Binh Duong's story, participate in international networks, participate in international rankings and annual award events and more marketing and branding events.

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