Thứ 5, Ngày 30/03/2023, 10:00
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​In the context of the fourth industrial revolution taking place strongly around the world, human resources, especially high-quality human resources, play a decisive role in the socio-economic development of each country. ​

​​​Developing high-quality human resources is an important and key factor in the socio-economic development of VietNam in general and Binh Duong province in particular. For sustainable development, it is necessary to develop qualified and skilled human resources, which is a decisive factor for the national development in the coming time, a core factor for sustainable development of organizations and businesses, increase competitiveness and long-term development in the future.

Currently, there are over 27,000 enterprises operating in the province, including about 2,400 foreign-invested enterprises, the province currently has 31 industrial parks with a total area of 12,721 hectares, of which 29 industrial parks come into operation. Therefore, the demand for human resources, especially high-quality human resources, plays a decisive role in the socio-economic development of the province.


Situation of human resources in Binh Duong province

It is fact that high-quality human resources are an extremely important factor, making a great contribution to the socio-economic development of Binh Duong province over the years. The resolution of the 11th Provincial Party Congress identifies "Developing and improving the quality of human resources, meeting the requirements of building Binh Duong for sustainable development towards a smart, civilized and modern city" as one of the breakthrough programs in the period of 2021-2025.

Up to now, Binh Duong has achieved some positive results, associated with social needs in various fields: the organizational apparatus in the province's political system has been arranged and streamlined; carried out reviewing and downsizing, enhanced training and fostering, arranged cadres, civil servants and public employees according to job position requirements; cadres, civil servants and public employees with college degrees or higher account for 75%, of which more than 6% have postgraduate degrees; commune-level cadres and civil servants with university degrees or higher account for 90.06%; Pay attention to attract scientific - technical personnel and highly-qualified workers for industries and fields where existing human resources have not yet met the requirements; laborers working in economic sectors in the province continued to increase in number with 1,671,400 people; the labor structure has changed in line with the provincial economic restructuring with the proportion of labor in agriculture, forestry and fishery - industry and construction - services of 5.2% - 70 .6% - 24.2% respectively; the training of skilled labours has positive changes; the rate of trained laborers account for 80%, of which 30% have diplomas and certificates.

The above results reflect the determination of the province's political system and the creative and innovative spirit in the awareness and action of leaders at all levels; Combine resources from the state budget and enhance socialization through building mechanisms and policies to create favorable conditions for implementing the goals of improving the quality of human resources, motivating and encouraging all subjects to study, vocational training, and attract labor to serve management, production and business activities in the province.

Implementing the Resolution of the13th National Party Congress and the Resolution of the 11th Provincial Party Congress, term 2020-2025, Binh Duong Provincial Party Committee issued Program No. 19/CTr-TU with the goal towards 2030 high-quality human resources are developed according to the level of training, the field of training and the subjects of socio-economic development, focusing on hi-tech industries and high-value added fields, in which a number of industries reached regional and international level, making a great breakthrough in socio-economic development, meeting the requirements of a modern industrial center. By 2045, the province's human resources will meet the requirements of an smart production and service center, start-up center and innovation center, with high labor productivity, sufficient capability to master and apply modern technology in all socio-economic fields of a smart city in the region and the whole country.


Solutions to develop high-quality human resources

In the coming time, to continue developing high-quality human resources in association with the needs of enterprises, it is necessary to implement 6 synchronous solutions, including: Continue the implementation of Directive No. 24/CT-TTg dated May 28th, 2020 of the Prime Minister on promoting the development of skilled human resources, contributing to increasing labor productivity and national competitiveness in the new situation; Effectively implement the Plan No. 2838/KH-UBND dated June 28th, 2021 of Binh Duong provincial People's Committee on the implementation of Resolution No. 47/NQ-HDND dated December 10th, 2020 of the Binh Duong provincial People's Council on the vocational education development Plan for the period of 2021-2025, with a vision to 2030; Continue to effectively implement mechanisms and policies for developing vocational education, develop skilled human resources; promote digital transformation and online training, focus on retraining and regular training for workforce to make drastic changes in the scale, quality and effectiveness of vocational education; Ensure learners having professional skills, digital skills, soft skills, start-up skills and foreign languages, etc. to adapt to the requirements of the labor market; Striving to 2025, Binh Duong province has the rate of trained laborers reaching 85%, of which 35% have diplomas and certificates, increasing annually the number of jobs for about 35,000 workers; By 2030, the rate of trained laborers will reach 87.5%, of which 37.5% have diplomas and certificates, an annual increase of jobs for about 40,000 workers.

Strengthening tight connection of triple helix model of government unversities-businesses in vocational education activities associated with the implementation of Binh Duong Smart City Project; connect vocational education to the labor market to develop human resources in terms of quantity, connection between levels of education, gradually improving the quality of human resources; promote the cooperation mechanism between enterprises and training institutions, encouraging enterprises to recruit and employ workers based on skills and professional ability; recruit and employ workers trained or certificated according to national regulations.

Promoting to classifying students after junior high school; career orientation in high school; focusing on orientation and training of future occupations in the digital era and industry 4.0, especially training high-quality human resources, new fields, new occupational skills (automation, artificial intelligence, information technology, etc.) to serve socio-economic growth and the process of economic restructuring and international integration.

Improving the quality of analysis, labor demand forecast, labor market information on human resources, job supply and training demands of the province; focusing on developing databases, connecting the labor market, building and updating data on skilled workers by field, industry and education level; Enhancing the application of information technology in connecting supply - demand to improve the effectiveness of  training and use of labor.

Promoting information, communication and create changes of social awareness and consensus on vocational education development, the position and role of skilled human resources, in order to mobilize the participation and resources of the whole society, especially the cooperation of enterprises in developing skilled human resources.

Innovating and improving the effectiveness and efficiency of state management of vocational education, continuing to promote administrative procedure reform and modernizing methods of direction and operation to serve people and businesses. Drawing up strategies, programs and projects for vocational education development; concentrate on developing skilled human resources according to the plans, programs, schemes, projects of sectors and locality; mobilize investment resources, prioritize regulated budget allocation to invest in vocational education institutions, especially high-quality schools with approved plans and key industries.

For rapidly and sustainably developing the country, it is necessary to focus on maximizing resources, prioritize the development of high-quality human resources breakthrough stage bringing the most important advantages, successfully implementing industrialization, modernization process and international integration.

Mr. Trinh Duc Tai-

Director of Department of Labor, War Invalids

and Society of Binh Duong Province

Translated by Lam Dang

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