Thứ 5, Ngày 21/10/2021, 14:00
Urgently reviewing and supporting social security packages for employees
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​PORTAL - On the morning of October 20, at the Administrative Center of Binh Duong province, Mr. Vo Van Minh - Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee chaired an online meeting to report the results and situation of implementing social security packages and shortcomings and problems in the implementation process.

Attending were Mr. Nguyen Loc Ha - Member of Provincial Standing Party Committee, Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee and leaders of departments, committees and branches. The meeting was online to 09 districts, towns and cities.

As reported by the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, as of October 19, 2021, the Department has coordinated with localities in the province to implement 03 packages of support policies for people facing difficulties during the time of distancing and Covid-19 prevention and control, which is Resolution no. 68/ND-CP of the Government (referred to as Resolution 68), Resolution no. 04/2021/NQ-HDND of the Provincial People's Council on housing rental support for employees staying in Binh Duong province (300,000 VND/person); Decision no. 12/2021/QD-UBND of Binh Duong Provincial People's Committee on food and foodstuff support for employees in difficult circumstances staying at boarding houses and affected by the Covid-19 pandemic (500,000 VND/person) with the amount spent more than 2,400 billion VND. In which, spending support according to Resolution 68 for 1,004,258 cases with a total amount of 1,407,999 billion VND; spending support under Resolution 04 for 1,322,288 cases with a total amount of 396,686 billion VND; spending support under Decision 12 for 1,279,311 cases with a total amount of 648,656 billion VND.

After extending the additional spending time for the remaining beneficiaries under the direction of the Provincial People's Committee, 3/9 localities have not yet completed 100% of spending support according to Resolution no. 04 and Decision no. 12, including Thu Dau Mot City, Di An Town and Tan Uyen Town. Specifically, Tan Uyen Town has so far spent 90% to support rent and food, and the remaining 10% (more than 49,000 for each type) is continuing to spend; Thu Dau Mot and Di An cities still have about 0.5% and are continuing to spend for subjects.

The reason is because the support list has been prepared and approved but has not yet come to receive money; currently, the employees have returned to work, only spending support after working hours, so the payment schedule is delayed. In addition, during the actual payment process, ward officials discovered that some subjects in the payment list did not match the original documents when comparing, so they had to re-verify.


Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Vo Van Minh speaks at the meeting

Speaking at the meeting, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Vo Van Minh acknowledged and highly appreciated the efforts of departments, branches and localities to carry out the tasks of pandemic prevention and control in the "new normal" period; do speedy testing combined with vaccination on schedule and timely social security policy support for the people. Although the large workload leads to slow policy resolution for some subjects with many subjective and objective reasons, but in the coming time, it must be overcome quickly, so as not to miss the case of people in need of support.

The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee requested the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to closely coordinate with the Labor Confederation at all levels, and the Industrial Zones Authority to strengthen information to companies, enterprises and employees to accelerate the registration and processing of applications for employees according to policy groups, especially those who lose their jobs, stop working, and suspend labor contracts due to the impact of the pandemic. Local authorities need to actively pay attention and support the right subjects; direct the review, avoid duplication. When the application is approved, the payment must be made quickly, so that the employees do not wait for a long time. The Department of Health cooperates with districts, towns and cities to complete the application procedures for F0 workers and employees to pay support in the near future as prescribed.

Reported by Doan Trang - Translated by Nguyen Trang

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