Provincial Party Commitee
Thứ 2, Ngày 07/06/2021, 15:00
Department of Industry and Trade
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07/06/2021 | Nguyen Trang


(Mr.) Nguyen Thanh Toan

Position: Director



(Mrs.) Nguyen Thanh Ha

Position: Deputy Director


(Mrs.) Phan Thi Khanh Duyen

Position: Deputy Director


(Mr.) Nguyen Truong Thi

Position: Deputy Director




Department Secretariat: (+84-274)3 822 563 ; 3 500 300

Department Inspectorate: (+84-274)3 828 350

Division of Planning – Finance: (+84-274) 3 828 349

Division of Trade Management: (+84-274) 3 820 767

Division of Industrial Management: (+84-274) 3 828 348

Division of Staff Management: (+84-274) 3 826 597

Division of Safety Engineering and Industrial Environment: (+84-274) 3 811 801

Division of Electricity Management: (+84-274) 3 828 351

Center of Trade Promotion and Economic Information: (+84-274) 3 898 288, 3 898 287 
Center of Industrial Promotion and Industrial Development Consultancy: (+84-274) 3 813 122

Division of Market Management: (+84-274) 3 820 028

Association of Consumer Benefit Protection: (+84-274) 3 840 067



The Department advises and assists the provincial People's Committee in performing the state management function of industry, cottage industries and handicrafts, covering sectors and fields: mechanics, metallurgy, electricity, new energy, renewable energy, chemicals, industrial explosive materials, mining and mineral processing industry, consumer industry, food industry, and other processing industry, goods circulation in the province, export, import, market management, competition management, trade promotion, monopoly control, anti-dumping, anti-subsidy to protect consumer rights, e-commerce, trade services, economic integration, management of industrial clusters and points in the province, industrial promotion activities, state management of public services under the Department's state management.

1.  Advising and submitting to the Provincial People's Committee
a) Planning, plans, key programs and projects on long-term, five-year and annual industrial and trade development; guidelines, policies, programs, methods and specific regulations on the development of industry and trade sector in the province in accordance with the master planning of socio-economic development of the province and the development planning of the sector;

b) List of industry lines supported by the provincial industrial promotion fund in each period for all economic sectors operating in the industrial field;

c) Decisions and directives promulgated by the provincial People's Committee in the field of industry and trade;

d) Regulating the functions, tasks, rights and organizational structure of the Market Management Branch as stipulated by law;

e) Regulating standards of titles for heads and deputy heads of units of the Department; titles of leaders in charge of industry and trade field under the Economic Division of the district People's Committee.
2. Advising and submitting to the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee:

a) Decisions on establishment, merger, dissolution of Divisions and equivalent, units under the Department as stipulated by law;
b) Particular decisions and directives under the promulgating authority of the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee in the field of industry and trade.
3. Guiding and inspecting the implementation of legal documents, policies, planning, plans, schemes, projects, programs and regulations on trade and industrial development after being approved; informing, propagandizing, guiding, popularizing, educating the laws on industry and trade.
4. Contributing comments on provincial programs and projects related to industrial and commercial activities; coordinating with relevant agencies to guide, support and inspect the production and business activities of enterprises in the province.
5. Assisting the provincial People's Committee: to appraise economic technical reports and basic designs of energy works, appraising documents for new issuance, reissuance and modification of licenses to use industrial explosive materials, appraising application documents for certificates of safety filling station to fill the bottles with liquefied petroleum gas.
6. Appraising and approving: plans to prevent and troubleshoot chemical incidents, basic design of mine works of Group B and C (except minerals used as construction materials and cement production), basic design of investment projects to build warehouse of industrial explosive materials. Appraising and granting the certificates of eligibility for trading in liquefied gas and gasoline; licenses to produce and trade wholesale liquor (producing liquor with investment projects and producing liquor with a capacity of under 3 million liters/year); electricity activity license.

7. Granting, amending, supplementing, extending and revoking licenses and certificates under the management responsibilities of the Department of Industry and Trade as stipulated by law, assigned or authorized by the provincial People's Committee, including: Certificates of: main machine in synchronous machinery line; machine and equipment registration with strict safety requirements specific to industry; declaration of dangerous chemicals; certificate of seal registration for commercial assessment; domestic franchise registration; tobacco business; multi-level sales organization; establishing representative offices of foreign traders in Vietnam.

8. In terms of industry and cottage industries and handicrafts:

a) Management of clusters, points of industry and cottage industries and handicrafts:

Acting as a focal point to assist the provincial People's Committee in building and implementing the planning of clusters, points of industry and cottage industries and handicrafts; monitoring and supervising construction process, implementing incentive mechanisms and policies, attracting investment, importing and exporting, taxes, finance, labor and constructing technical infrastructure, ground clearance, relocating production facilities, building new industrial clusters, points of industry and cottage industries and handicrafts in the province after being approved.

b) Mechanics and metallurgy:

 Implementing planning, plans and policies on development of mechanics, metallurgy, development of key mechanical and mechatronics products, products with high technology content, combining techniques of mechanics, automation, and industrial electronics in the province.
c) Consumer industry, food industry and other processing industries:

- Implementing the planning, plans and policies to develop the sector after being approved, including: textile - garment, leather - shoes, paper, crockery, glass, plastic, beer, wine, beverage, tobacco, confectionery, milk, vegetable oil, processing flour and starch;

- Guiding to inspect the implementation of industrial product quality standards and regulations, hygiene and safety, industrial environment and food hygiene and safety from the production stage to the circulation under the management of the Department of Industry and Trade.

d) Mining and mineral processing industries (except minerals used as construction materials and cement production):
- Presiding to implement the planning of mineral exploration, mining and processing in the province after being approved by competent authorities;
- Implementing planning, plans and policies for developing mining and mineral processing sector in the province; inspecting the implementation of environmental protection methods, safety regulations in mining and mineral processing in the province.
d) Chemicals, industrial explosive materials, machines and equipment with strict requirements on safety techniques specific to industry:
- Implementing planning, plans and policies for developing chemical sector, industrial explosive materials, types of machinery and equipment with strict requirements on safety techniques in the province;
- Presiding, combining with relevant provincial agencies in inspecting and handling law violations on management, use, storage and transport of chemicals, industrial explosive materials, liquefied gas and types of machinery and equipment with strict requirements on safety techniques as provided by law;

e) Agricultural extension:
- Presiding, combining with relevant agencies to implement programs, schemes, mechanisms, policies and plans for development of small and medium-sized industrial enterprises and collective economic organizations in the province (including sectors, rural craft villages, cooperatives in the field of industry and trade);

- Implementing programs, plans and projects of agricultural extension in the locality, including activities carried out by the national agricultural extension fund and activities implemented by the local industrial promotion fund;
- Training, fostering to raise the capacity to implement activities of agricultural extension for cadres in charge of agricultural extension in localities.
g) Electricity and energy:
- Drafting investment plan for power projects as decentralized for Department of Planning and Investment to consider and submit to the provincial People's Committee for approval;
- Implementing planning and plans to develop electricity, develop the application of new and renewable energies in the province;
- Training legal knowledge on electricity activities and use for electricity units; train and foster professional knowledge and skills, electrical safety for cadres and technical workers of rural electricity management organizations;
- Implementing electricity price option in the province after being approved by competent authorities;

- Combining with competent state agencies to conduct specialized inspection and supervision of electricity as provided by law.
9.  In terms of Trade:

a) Domestic trade
- Implementing planning, plans, mechanisms and policies on development of wholesale and retail trade infrastructure networks, including: types of markets, trade centers, systems of supermarkets, systems of shops and trade cooperatives; system of commercial agents, franchises and other types of commercial infrastructure;
- Presiding and combining with related agencies in guiding and implementing mechanisms and policies to encourage the expansion of business networks, development of organizations linking goods circulation, forming stable commodity circulation channels from production to consumption in the province;

- Implementing incentive mechanisms and policies to encourage and support production, business and life for people in ethnic-minority regions, deep-lying, remote areas in the province (such as providing essential commodities, supporting the circulation of goods and commercial services, etc.)
- Summarizing and handling market information in the province about total circulation of goods, total supply, total demand, circulation reserve and price fluctuation of essential commodities and policy items for people in ethnic-minority regions, deep-lying, remote areas. Proposing solutions to regulate goods circulation in each period to competent authorities.
b) For import and export
- Implementing policies, plans, programs, and schemes to develop and promote the export of goods; developing goods export and import services in the province;
- Managing import and export activities of domestic and foreign-invested enterprises, foreign traders without representatives in Vietnam in the province.
c) E-commerce
- Presiding and combining with relevant agencies in building an e-commerce application infrastructure in the province;

- Implementing policies, plans, and programs on fostering and developing human resources for e-commerce management in the area.
d) Competition, antimonopoly, antidumping and anti-subsidy, protecting rights of consumers

- Guiding and implementing the provisions of the law on competition, antimonopoly and antidumping; anti-subsidy, protecting rights of consumers and ensuring a healthy competitive environment in the province. Proposing to the relevant agencies to amend and supplement the regulations, the issued documents that are not consistent with the competition law.
- Requesting relevant organizations and individuals in the province to provide necessary information and documents for the performance of assigned tasks in accordance with the law on competition, antimonopoly, antidumping and anti-subsidy, protecting rights of consumers;

- Collecting, building databases, managing and providing information on enterprises with dominant positions in the market, exclusive enterprises with headquarters in the province; on the competition rules in the association; on exemption cases.

e) Trade promotion
- Implementing, inspecting and supervising the registration of organization of fairs, trade exhibitions and promotions for traders.
- Implementing programs, plans and projects on trade promotion in order to strengthen exports, support enterprises in the province to build and develop Vietnamese brands.
f) Economic integration
- Implementing plans, programs, specific methods on economic integration, international trade in the province after being approved.
- Presiding, combining with relevant agencies to popularize, propagandize and guide the implementation of local plans, programs and regulations on economic integration and international trade.
g) Market management
- Implementing market management activities in the province as regulated by the Government, guided by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and competent state management agencies;
- Guiding, inspecting the implementation of the law in the industry and trade field of organizations and individuals trading in the province; implementing specialized inspection as stipulated by law;
- Presiding, combining with relevant agencies to fight against smuggling, trading smuggled goods, banned goods, against manufacturing and trading fake goods, poor quality goods, goods that violate intellectual property regulations; to fight against speculative acts, market disruption, trade frauds of business organizations and individuals in the province.
10. Assisting the Provincial People's Committee in state management for enterprises, collective economic organizations, the private economic organizations, guiding and inspecting activities of associations and non-governmental organizations in the industry and trade sector in the locality as regulated by law.
11. Guiding and inspecting: the implementation of the mechanism of autonomy and self-responsibility of public non-business units under the Department of Industry and Trade as regulated by law.
12. Implementing international cooperation in the field of industry and trade as provided by law and decentralized by the provincial People's Committee.
13. Directing the professional knowledge in the field of industry and trade for the Economic Division of the district People's Committees.
14. Implementing the plan of research and application of scientific and technological advances in industry and trade under the Department's management scope, guiding to perform standards, regulations, economic-technical norms and quality of industrial products; building information storage systems, providing documents on industry and trade as regulated by law.
15. Deploying to perform administrative reform program of the Department under the goals and contents of the administrative reform program of the Provincial People's Committee.
16. Inspecting, supervising, handling violations, settling complaints and denunciations; preventing and fight against corruption and negative actions; practicing thrift and combating wastefulness in the industry and trade sector as provided by law or assigned and decentralized by the provincial People's Committee.
17. Performing public services in the industry and trade sector under the Department's management as regulated by law.
18. Stipulating the functions, tasks, rights, organizational structure and working relationships of organizations and non-business units under the Department; managing personnel, implementing salary and policy regimes, remuneration, training, fostering, commendation and discipline for cadres, civil servants and officials under the Department's management as regulated by law and decentralized by the provincial People's Committee.
19. Managing allocated finance and assets and performing allocated budget as regulated by law and decentralized by the provincial People's Committee.
20. Periodically and unscheduledly informing and reporting the performance of programs, plans and projects to develop the industry and trade sector in the locality as regulated by law and the provincial People's Committee and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
21. Performing other tasks assigned by the Provincial People's Committee and as stipulated by law. 

1. The Department acts as the legal entity with its own seal to transact and is allowed to open an account at the State Treasury.

2. Promulgating instruction documents to implement undertakings, policies and regulations of the Government, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and the provincial People's Committees and inspecting activities in the field of industry and trade with individuals, organizations of all economic sectors in the province.

3. Requesting individuals and organizations operating in the industry and trade sector to provide information, make periodic and unscheduled reports as regulated by law.

4. Proposing or making decisions according to its competence regimes and policies for the Department's cadres and civil servants according to the State regulations and the provincial decentralization of cadre management.

(Functions, tasks and powers issued together with Decision no. 03/2009/QD-UBND dated January 21, 2009 of Binh Duong Provincial People's Committee)​


Floor 8, Tower A, Provincial Building of Administrative Center, Le Loi Street, Hoa Phu Ward, Thu Dau Mot City, Binh Duong Province;  

Telephone   : (+84-274) 3 822 563; 
Fax              : (+84-274) 3 811 172; 
Email           :

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