At the meeting, Mr. Hoang Trung Thanh – General Director of Viettel Post gave an overview of the strategy to build national logistic infrastructure in green, smart, and effective. The goal of Viettel Post is to create a central network of logistics connecting regions to shorten time and reduce goods circulation costs for businesses. It is expected that Viettel Post will establish 37 large logistics centers nationwide. Particularly in Binh Duong, units proposed to establish a logistics center of international agriculture including many services: product display booths, warehouses to preserve post-harvest agricultural products, implementing customs clearance and inspection procedures to ensure export standards to China and ASEAN countries.

Mr. Vo Van Minh – Chairman of the PPC received and worked with Viettel Post's leadership delegation
In the future, the center will expand its services to other fields but agriculture to strengthen the development of cross-border trade.

Mr. Hoang Trung Thanh – General Director of Viettel Post gave an overview of the strategy to build logistic infrastructure
Mr. Vo Van Minh – Chairman of the PPC welcomed the proposal to establish Viettel Post's logistics center in Binh Duong and affirmed the central location connecting regions and the advantages of Binh Duong province. The chairman of the PPC hoped that the two sides would cooperate to implement specific steps and realize Viettel Post's strategy as soon as possible.

Mr. Vo Van Minh – Chairman of the PPC gave Mr. Hoang Trung Thanh – General Director of Viettel Post a souvenir
Delegates took souvenir photos